Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The truth about Planned Parenthood and beyond!

A friend of mine gave me a DVD on Eugenics to watch. I was very surprised at the content and it led me to research what was said. It opened a can of worms. The people that really know me know I see conspiracies.

I thought women that use and have used Planned Parenthood should look this old non-profit closely.

First let me say, I am pro-choice. I believe each of us must make the choice using our religious upbringing, spirituality and morals to make decisions about birth control and abortions according.

The founder of Planned Parenthood was Margaret Sanger, which was formally called American Birth Control League. Sanger believed in Eugenics (the study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding) meaning to create a healthier and intelligent people.

Did you know the Nazi regime in Germany used eugenics as a pretext for racial discrimination?

Sanger considered African Americans unfit and put a strain on American Society. In 1939, the reproduction practices of blacks became the target. When have we not been the guinea pig, take the Tuskegee Experiment. Now Sanger was not alone, Dr. Clarence J. Gamble of Proctor & Gamble devised the “Suggestion for the Negro project” plan.

Part of the plan was to use black leaders (giving the appearance they were in charge) so that no one would think they wanted to exterminate the Negro population. The selling point for birth control was for economic betterment and health measures. We were lured in by “birth control as a remedy for our economic woes by controlling family size. The program was endorsed by prominent black women of the day.

It is recorded that a black minister used a “softening process”, to gain the support of other churches to promote the agenda of PP. The entire black leadership, religious, social, professional and academic community had bought into the propaganda and finally endorsed Planned Parenthood. That made it ok for clinics to be placed in urban areas.

This story goes much further than just Planned Parenthood, but like any research it leads to another story.


In those days the members of the American Eugenics Society were:
The Rockefellers, J. P. Morgan, Jr., Mary Biddle, a tobacco heiress, Cleveland H & Cleveland E. Dodge of Phelps Dodge Co, Robert Garrett, B&O Railroad, E. B. Scripps, United Press and Dorothy Brush of Brush Electric Co. to name a few.

Let me go a little further although the story is long.

Dr. Gamble didn’t stop at birth control pills. Let’s take a moment to talk about one family’s role in the game. The Gray Family, Mr Clayland Boyden Gray was counsel to George Bush, organized the pilot project for the sterilization program. Boyden’s father, Gordon founded the Bowman Gray Medical School in Winston-Salem using his R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co inherited cigarette stock. (Aunt) Alice Gray founded the “Human Betterment League” the North Carolina branch of the national eugenical sterilization movement.

Was that like the “Civil Rights” movement?

They began experiments on all children enrolled in the school district of Winston-Salem, NC. They were given an “intelligence test”; those who scored below a certain mark, which showed that they were insane or feebleminded and were surgically sterilized. My research found that the project was conducted by the University of North Carolina and financed by James Gordon Hanes (Hanes underwear) Do you think Michael Jordon knows? Twenty seven (27) states preformed sterilization programs.

Don’t take my word for it, look it up! Do it soon, it’s surprising to me what people will do. One thing is clear Eugenics is not a conspiracy; it is a movement and an ideology.









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