Friday, April 7, 2017


So, I wake up to 45 bombing a airbase in Syria. I saw the chemical warfare against the Syrian people by the Syrian dictator. First what kind of man kills his own people? Another story for another time. If President Obama had bombed Syria in 2013 like 45 did yesterday, republicans would have been in a uproar, ready to impeach him. 45 bombed the airbase, bombed Yemen, murdering how many and not one word from the congress because "republicanism" is a crazy religion. Now congress is ok with 45 being off the reservation, even people in the Obama Administration have turned back into the people they have always been.

In my opinion, it was a game, a farce, a distraction to get people off the Russia connection on 45! A hypocrite president

Most days I can't!

I have decided that I will use this blog as my therapy. Hopefully, I will give some advice, knowledge or another view.

On April 6th, 45 tweeted for then President Obama NOT to go into Syria more than 10 times. August 2013, President Obama had been seeking Congress approval for military intervention in Syria because of chemical warfare and the republican congress did what it had been doing for 6 years which was NOTHING! I remember 45 said he would kill the families of ISIS, all I've heard is what the Obama administration didn't do, will that make 45 voters FEEL better? Let's blame the black guy cause they hate black/people of color. Which I will address racism & privilege later. When will the blame game be over?