Thursday, July 28, 2011

Debt ceiling debate? Stalemate?

Many “progressive” caucasians voted for President Obama, many “delusional” blacks did not. Do not get me wrong, all people have the right to vote their own conscious. But I could write on those blacks that did not vote for the first Black man to run successfully for the presidency but that is not my focus.

Many Americans did not vote for McCain because he was old and did not present his self well. His choice in a vice president running mate nailed his coffin. Those that voted for him even with his choice of running mate believe in the republican ideology. Sarah said it best; “Let’s take our country back!”

Then the local elections rolled around and the focus became more about the “me” aspect of the government meaning closer to what affects me and my household. Let me use New Jersey as an example and what I think happened across America. The democrat voter dropped the ball, many were angry with Corzine over his cuts; no raises and furlough days that they did not vote (which is a vote) or they crossed over the line and voted for Christie. Christie is combative with a narrow vision, the big “I” little “u” syndrome and the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. NJ Republican voters came out in full force. Once elected Christie immediately hired his cronies, expanding his government with paid committees and then came after the people who really serve the people of the state.

A segment of American people voted for tea party candidates that have an ideology that would take America back to 1773, slavery and a civil war.

Is this a stalemate or hostage situation? AMERICA HAS PASSED THE TEA PARTY DAYS!

It becomes this plain:
If you have bills totaling $200 and your paycheck is $140. Do you have enough? NO. What would be the solution? #1, see what you could do without and 2nd try to make more money.

"Bush" tax cuts did not, does not, WILL NOT create jobs.

Change the tax code.

Repeal most, not all of the NAFTA policy.

Manufacture something in the US.

The people we have elected are creating a climate; one which our 1st Black president fails and they hope to overthrow, hold hostage and ransom the government.

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