I went to jury duty and the only channels were CNN & ESPN. I chose CNN. The focus was the Tea Party and their politicians. First up was Christine O’Donnell, she was not very interesting. She only said what most Republicans say, limited government, less taxes and repeal the healthcare bill. Later, I saw part of an ad that starts with, “I’m not a witch”. Wow, not a witch? Did someone call her a witch? I didn’t hear that because the media would have made a big deal about it. Is that her religion? Does she practice witchcraft? If so would Republican “Christians” vote for her? She certainly would not “share their values”. Maybe it doesn’t matter but then that would make Republicans hypocrites.
Next was Carl Paladino, he does not approve of abortion in any circumstance and would change the law to stop the Mosque from being built. Every time he opens his mouth, something comes out that should make people say, humm…….He attacks Cuomo parenting skills, and extramarital affairs, which has some merit but attack his professional record first. Better yet since Paladino has a “love child” (out of wedlock), he should really keep quite about someone else. When I saw him go at it with someone from the NY Post, he made a terrorist threat. He reminds me of a bully.
I find it interesting when Congress gave then President Bush a blank check for war…..where was the Tea Party? The Democratics in Congress didn’t say NO. President Bush, a Republican didn’t care about limited spending or fiscal responsible but now those same Republicans/Tea Partiers don’t want to help responders of 9/11. Serving your country has its drawbacks.
The purpose of this movement is to stop what “they” view as wasteful government spending, limited government, excessive taxation and regulatory bureaucracies.
“They” believe the health care legislation passed in March is one of those wasteful government spending! If a person does not have insurance and goes to a hospital, the taxpayer still pays the bill down the line.
I never really understood the limited government argument. Do “they” mean limited laws or limited jobs in government? I don’t think its limited laws and if “they” mean limited jobs that’s a crock, New Jersey’s new governor hasn’t reduced his administration in fact he has added countless committee positions, all of which are paid positions. I would be impressed if a Republican got in office and then reduced the staff. Maybe limited government applies only if you’re a Democrat.
The excessive taxation argument is another one of those things that makes you say did you take an economics class, ever? Let’s recap recent history; President Clinton left office leaving America with a surplus, President Bush and his Republican House and Congress repealed regulatory laws, allowing the financial institutions to do whatever they wanted and he declared war on Iraq and then had to start borrowing from China. (short version)
Side note: China is another story, for another post but let me say, what “they” are doing in Africa needs to be stopped. What can America say about China’s abuse in our motherland?
At some point, America’s debt will be due. The GOP voted against stopping companies from shipping jobs overseas. Was that good for America? People are not working and not paying taxes so there is limited income to the government. …..I hate to say this but EVERY ONE NEEDS TO BE PAYING TAXES, THE MORE YOU MAKE THE MORE YOU PAY! I’m sorry. That’s the way “they” designed America. “They” came from Britain, killed the Indian already here and rewrote history that “they” discovered America. “They” participated in the slave trade, killing countless numbers of Africans and those Africans left alive where used for free labor. “They” profited!
In a recent poll; 88% of tea partiers supported the immigration law enacted in Arizona. The complexion of America is changing, whether legal or illegal the people in question are people of color and that is a problem. 25% think the administration favors blacks over whites. A seven state study found that Tea Party movement supporters within those state were “more likely to be racially resentful”.
Tea partiers are fearful, and maybe some in the party believe in the wasteful government spending, limited government, excessive taxation and regulatory bureaucracies but mainly “they” hide their racial hatred with their opposition in “policy difference” even when those policies would benefit the majority of them. When “they” say they “want their country back” “they” mean back in the hands of someone white. “They” are marching in direct response to the first Black president and to them; a black man doesn’t have the right to be president. Period!
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