Let me make this very clear to you. I am a BLACK, 52 year old female NOT a female that’s black and 52. Anyone who knows me personally knows I’m BLACK FIRST! Call it anything you want because from the age of 13-14 been very interested in my history, and the plight of Black folks. White folks have done the same. I respected Dr. Martin L. King and believed in his movement but my choice was Malcolm X and the Black Panther Party. I believe that it is important for us to identify with Africa thus the term African American but in recent years (apartheid) white folks that have continued to invaded Africa calling our motherland theirs and becoming African American. They understand how important Africa is and most of us still don’t have a clue.
I’m very proud of Senator Barack Obama. I believe he has the qualities that can bring America’s politics’ together, crossing party lines. I also believe that racism is alive and well too. He can’t change the hearts of men, and evil is abounding. His mixed heritage makes him more acceptable to whites in American, especially the youth which to me appears to have a different take on things, the color of the skin has very little to do with it. Thank God for the youth of this country!!! There are many that think the young folks are stupid, not understanding the ways of the world, they are bamboozled by Barack’s message of hope & change. I submit to you that God gives the young wisdom too. The youth understands very well that they need hope & change and blacks should remember that was all slaves had.
Now, let me say this, one of those side things, Spanish speaking people, as far as I’m concerned if you come to this country that speaks English and refuse to try and learn the language, have your kids miss school to be the translator, your ACTIONS say this: AMERICA KISS MY ASS, I don’t have to learn the language. I was brought here by force, abduction or sale and had to learn the language. If you cross over a fence and come into this country illegally, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL, a home invader. I don’t think you should just stay here, reap the benefits of America then have the chance to kill three of our children (home on college break) execution style in a park. I was in the Social Security office the other day and they had two boxes one said “SPANISH ONLY APPLICATIONS” and the other said “ENGLISH ONLY APPLICATIONS”. I thought, wow I couldn’t go to a Spanish speaking country and get a English only application and wondered what was different on the Spanish only applications. I know I’m getting off the subject…….
This is a great time in history to have a Black man and a woman running for president. Senator Hillary Clinton never had me fooled, though. She fought New Yorkers about the senate seat because of residence; all she wanted to do is be the senator to the great New York. New York is a great place to get national exposure. I knew she would run for president, that is the American way. Hillary has lost eleven states in a row. If that had been Obama, they would have tried to force him out.
She wins Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island and her quote is “The nation is coming back and so is my campaign”. When I heard that comment, I thought “she really does think the nation has been wrong”, people are tired of the same old shit. The people of the nation are wrong because they are voting for a Black man. Was that the underlining message in that comment?
That’s how I took it.
The exit polls showed that race matters. In other words, we’ll vote for a white woman but not a black man, the lesser of two evils. That doesn’t surprise me about Texas, aren’t there still lynching there? During Black History Month, President Bush said this, “For decades, the noose played a central part in a campaign of violence and fear against African Americans. Fathers were dragged from their homes in the dark of the night before the eyes of their terrified children. Summary executions were held by torchlight in front of hateful crowds. In many cases, law enforcement officers responsible for protecting the victims were complicit in their deeds [sic] and their deaths. For generations of African Americans, the noose was more than a tool of murder; it was a tool of intimidation that conveyed a sense of powerlessness to millions.The era of rampant lynching is a shameful chapter in American history. The noose is not a symbol of prairie justice, but of gross injustice. Displaying one is not a harmless prank. And lynching is not a word to be mentioned in jest. As a civil society, we must understand that noose displays and lynching jokes are deeply offensive. They are wrong. And they have no place in America today.” O’Reilly wanted to have a lynching party, if Michelle Obama wasn’t proud to be an American and let’s see, hum, does that statement make you proud?
Ohio, oh well! Exit Polls there: They thought she had more experience……which I don’t understand that either. She has experience at being the “wife of the president” and being a senator but ladies and gentleman, that’s it. If she got a call at 3 am in the White House, which Hillary would show up? The one of “entitlement” always shows up, that’s the one that made her dismiss Obama or I’ve been treated unfairly by the press because

I don’t know Hillary personally but there’s something in her eyes. Maybe it’s her angry that I see. I have been in her place and I know how the betrayal of your man feels. Maybe it’s her arrogance and that senses of entitlement that she should be the Democratic Party nominate even without the popular vote, sending a clear message that your vote does not really count. Has not disclosed her financial records yet, should have been done! I believe she will push to the bitter end. She’s a fighter; swinging low blows and don’t believe the hype, she’s fighting for herself, not you! She will split the Democratic Party. She’s not willing to be Obama’s running mate, just something to say cause it sounded good.
She reminds me so much of Bush and so far there has been twenty-four (24) years of Bushs’ and Clintons’.
Oh, I have to say this too, why do black women that feel this need to endorse Hillary? Cause what? She’s a woman!? You have a choice? You’ve always had a choice; don’t tell me it’s her experience, because she has none as a president! I heard her say the other day, “I have experience, John McCain has experience and you will have to ask Obama about his.” I didn’t quote her exactly but my mind said she’s teaming up with the other white guy, who is her rival against the black guy who is in her party. Interesting! Maybe you think she’ll be like her husband, and then dubb her the first “black female president” because her husband messed around on her. Ok another side note: hated that many of us thought it was cute to dubb Bill, "the first black president" because what........he played the sax, smoke some weed and had sex with someone other than his wife! Is that why you call him that? There are a lot of good, strong and powerful black men out there, many of you are married to them! Well that's why Bill thought he could say anything he wanted, anyway he wanted in North Carolina.
Oh, I have to say this too, why do black women that feel this need to endorse Hillary? Cause what? She’s a woman!? You have a choice? You’ve always had a choice; don’t tell me it’s her experience, because she has none as a president! I heard her say the other day, “I have experience, John McCain has experience and you will have to ask Obama about his.” I didn’t quote her exactly but my mind said she’s teaming up with the other white guy, who is her rival against the black guy who is in her party. Interesting! Maybe you think she’ll be like her husband, and then dubb her the first “black female president” because her husband messed around on her. Ok another side note: hated that many of us thought it was cute to dubb Bill, "the first black president" because what........he played the sax, smoke some weed and had sex with someone other than his wife! Is that why you call him that? There are a lot of good, strong and powerful black men out there, many of you are married to them! Well that's why Bill thought he could say anything he wanted, anyway he wanted in North Carolina.
Let me give you this bit of history about the vote of black people and I can give you more examples.
In 1869, Frederick Douglass tried to persuade the white woman suffragists that voting rights for blacks must be won immediately, while women could afford to wait. "When women because they are women are dragged from their homes and hung upon lampposts, then they will have the urgency to obtain the ballot," said Douglass. One of the white women in the crowd cried out, "Is that not also true about black women?" "Yes, yes," Douglass replied, "but not because she is a woman but because she is black." White women in the audience were not convinced by Douglass's argument, and some of them even spoke out against black suffrage. “Life after the 13th Amendment, http://www.history.rochester.edu/”
In other words, white women felt blacks should wait!
Just what has Hillary done for civil rights? If you're a woman first - what has she done for women? You don't have to tell me I'll look it up.
The US keeps pushing other countries of the world to become a democracy but when the world looks at us, what do they see? We can't justify what we do and how we move politically, because every one can see us now!
Till next time! peace.
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