January 10, 2008
Ramzu Yunus
Atlanta, GA (BlackNews.com) - GAHD Inc., which represents rap artist GAH

GAHD, a North Carolina native who left Atlanta, Georgia several years ago and relocated to Zimbabwe, has been funding trips to Africa for people for a number of years now. Since fans ask him about Africa a lot after hearing the topic in his music, GAHD came up with the idea to offer them tickets in promotion of his upcoming album, From The Shadows, slated to be released in February.
"He is always calling me to book tickets to Africa for different people, so this promotion is no surprise," says Rose Aiello of RA Travel, the travel agency GAHD uses to buy tickets. GAHD Inc. and RA Travel are prepared for over two hundred people to travel.
Now GAHD is back in the United States finishing the album and capitalizing off of the buzz being created by his new single, "Joy After Pain", that's spreading across the nation. In the meantime, fans are going to GAHD's website, www.gahdinc.com, and downloading music they love while simultaneously gaining an opportunity to travel to the Motherland.
ABOUT GAHD INC.GAHD Inc. is a Georgia based corporation that produces and distributes music by the artist "GAHD" and offers investment opportunities. Visit http://www.gahdinc.com for further information and contact GAHD Inc. by phone at 800-930-5418 or info@gahdinc.com
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