Thursday, April 24, 2008

Same old dirty politics.........

N. C. GOP, whoever she is, is running an ad with Barack & Rev. Wright, to warn.....someone. Here's the point, McCain supposedly asked the woman not to run the ad and she said fuck you....I'm running it anyway this is local politics! He looks like a whimp soooooooo if he is doing something underhanded it will probably backfire because he now looks like he has no authority. If he really asked her not to run the ad. His latest bullshit is blasting Bush's response to Katrina.....please!

Let me say this about Hillary, she can't manage her campaign can she do anything with America's financial woes?....

One last thing, once they saw people from all backgrounds would vote for Barack....they started the race card - to help white folks remember their hatred towards blacks.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

letter to

Votes of White women and other blue collar workers.

I have watched white women through the years. For the most part, older white women carry the wounds of white women suffragists of the 1800s just as blacks carry the wounds of slavery. It was imperative that blacks obtained the ballot first because blacks because they were black were dragged from their homes, lynched and killed. And even though they may understand the overall theory, why the black vote was so important, and their sense of “entitlement” makes them angry because their causes have followed the black cause (civil rights). Instead of being angry at the right people……

Those white people that say race matters…….they will never vote for a black person…… doesn’t surprise me, but all black folks have had is to vote for someone white.

Why are you asking the “underdog,” the one that could not possibly win; having a candidacy like Jesse Jackson, insinuation that his was a joke. Ask Hillary why hasn’t she won yet? She was sooooooooo likely to win with all her name recognition. Why hasn’t she “knocked him out”? ALL OF YOU thought she was the sure thing and so did she. What surprises you…..the thing you stop short at is “how is he winning”? Hillary, Bill and her campaign have done everything they can to put that (?) question mark (Tim) over his head and doing it with race. There’s a new method or tactic so subtle, the white person that says something questionable can then turn the tables and say you just didn’t understand, you got it all wrong, it was reverse discrimination….. they come out screaming and throwing tantrums (Bill and Ferraro) about how….how many blacks took it wrong? All those black folks got it wrong because lets see…..we’re all stupid! Now that there are more blacks in office quite a few that have taken their stand with Hillary, I don’t think our memory is short and some of those people are not going to be re-elected. Hillary, Bill and her campaign’s spin is that only she can win because “white” blue collar workers will only vote for a white person. What does that say of “white” blue collar workers? I have heard you talk about how many of Hillary’s supporters won’t vote for Barack, well I haven’t been polled and I’m not voting for Hillary. na nanana na!

One last thought……that woman in North Carolina with her GOP attack ad, reminds me of Bull Connors. Who is she really doing that one for? McCain or Hillary.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Johnson & Lewis.........oh well!

A few thoughts………

Johnson of BET should be ashamed of himself. He looks like a knee slappin, foot shufflin, yez sir boss, ass kissin nigga. Being rich doesn’t change some things. If he wants to vote for Hillary then fine but don’t bash Barack……….I guess when you hang out with the slave master long enough, you act like them.

I’m ashamed of John Lewis, who did all that marchin’ for freedom that same freedom that got him elected. That fracture of the skull must still be affecting him……on national TV, sniveling, crying when he changed his vote – GEORGIA should vote his whimpering ass out of office.